Sunday, March 17, 2013

Norn - What humans would be like if they work out everyday

Norn are the second largest playable race, standing about 9 feet tall, and perhaps the most peaceful race in Guild Wars 2. The Norn were originally from the northern Shiverpeaks, but were driven south by Jormag and its minions. Their current home, Hoelbrak, is located in between Lion's Arch and the Black Citadel.

(insert Hoelbrak loading screen here)

The Norn believe in the Spirits of the Wild, with the four main spirits being Wolf, Bear, Raven, and Snow Leopard. Each spirit have a number of shamans who devote themselves to serve as guardians and teacher of the lessons of that particular spirit. The Norn uses the powers of the spirits in battle, and have the ability to transform into Wolf, Bear, Raven or Snow Leopard. While they do not worship the six human gods, they acknowledge them and their powers. Instead of calling them by their names, the Norn call them by Spirits of Action. For example, Balthazar would be called the Spirit of War.

The Norn does not have a central government. Most, if not all Norn, resist being followers and will not kneel to anyone. The closest thing that gets close to leadership is great respect for another Norn for the heroic deeds he/she has done.

Though most believes in the Spirits of the Wild, there are those who worship Jormag because of its great power. Those who are obssessed to the powers of Jormag are called the Sons of Svanir. The things that are corrupted by Jormag are called Icebrood. Even though the Sons of Svanir worship Jormag, they are not immune to Jormag's corruptions.

(insert official Norn concept art here)

Info from Guild Wars 2 wiki

Monday, March 4, 2013

Tyrian World War

So I was reading some topics in the lore section of the Guild Wars 2 forum, I found this post(link here) that had my interest, since my English teacher wants us to find something to debate on for a post. I only read the OP(opening post) so I don't get spoiled by other posters.
Now, I know what all of you are thinking: "But wait! You haven't covered the other two playable races yet!" Well, since I'm too lazy to do posts, which no one even reads, I'm only to post every 2 weeks like my teacher instructed.

On to the real thing. The OP stated that the Inquests are the most powerful antagonists, and I agree to that, but here comes the problem. He/She states in the 3rd/4th paragraph about exterminating the Human race. Oh, you're threatening the Humans' existence? Well I think Queen Jennah and Logan has something to say to that. Of course, with the addition of the whole Destiny's Edge and the Pact.

The problem here is not just exterminating the Human race, also with the Charr army and war machines. If, somehow, the Inquest made alliance with the Flame Legion and some Charr that still go against the alliance with Humans, the Flame Legion use their magic and the rest of the Charr probably even have a warband to begin with. There wouldn't be any war machines to bring.

By now most of the five playable races have probably all joined the Pact, along with the five "lesser" races from your personal story. Then here comes the 6th paragraph. Even with the combination of the Centaur, Nightmare Court, and the Sons of Svanir, they would have to have ridiculously high moral or they're most likely crazy to take on the whole Pact.

And that concludes my ranting rebuttal against the OP.